LWUA extends water assistance to typhoon victims


Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) Acting Administrator Jeci Lapus sought to bring back operation of damaged water supply systems the soonest time in the wake of Super Typhoon “Rolly” (international name: “Goni”) and Typhoon “Ulysses” (international name: “Vamco”).

Three teams were sent to determine alternate water sources, led by Alvin Osorio, and supervision of the mobile water treatment plant by Monchie Garcia in Virac, Catanduanes (in photo).

The other contingent, led by Romy Diaz and Fernan Gregorio on the other hand, was tasked to assess damaged water supply facilities in the districts of San Andres, Virac, Viga, Bato, Pandan and Baras.

Momentarily continuing relief for safe water thru the mobile treatment plant – which can treatup to 90,000 liters of water per day – was provided to more than 14,000 households whose pipe connections had been damaged by the successive typhoons.

Water rationing was carried out in partnership with Virac Water District, LGU-Virac, and Red Cross.