Nativity scene lights up Italy’s Cinque Terre coast


One of the world’s largest nativity scenes lights up the hilltop town of Manarola in Italy’s famed Cinque Terre, joined this year by a statue honoring medics who battle coronavirus.

More than 150 figures depict shepherds and fishermen, sheep, camels and angels gathered around Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus.

Lit up with eight kilometers of electricity cables, they are visible from the sea as well.

A new addition this year is a statue of a nurse with a heart next to it, a tribute to the medics working in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Italy has been hard hit by the virus, which has killed more than 65,000 people so far.

Watching the lights go on, local school teacher Elisabetta…

Keep on reading: Nativity scene lights up Italy’s Cinque Terre coast