Nanette Medved-Po on what she learned from showbiz: ‘Don’t waste your platform’


Nanette Medved-Po made her name as a stunning leading lady in the 1990s, starring opposite top male leads of the time — most notably Fernando Poe Jr. And of course, how could anyone forget her iconic role as the beloved superhero Darna?

Today, she is better known for leading social enterprises. Her brainchild is Generation Hope, which is anchored on the belief that businesses can make a profit and still contribute to social good.

Hope’s flagship product, bottled water called Hope in a Bottle, donates 100% of its profits to Friends of Hope, which builds classrooms in remote areas of the country. She stresses that Hope is in the business of impact, rather than simply selling wa…

Keep on reading: Nanette Medved-Po on what she learned from showbiz: ‘Don’t waste your platform’