Alleged piracy, counterfeiting reports surged in 2020 amid lockdown — IPOPHL


MANILA, Philippines — Reports of alleged piracy and counterfeiting surged in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic forced a lot of people to rely heavily on online platforms which in turn presented opportunities for so-called illicit traders.

According to a report from the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) released on Friday, they receive around 121 complaints of suspected counterfeiting activities, 54 of which were the illegal sharing and selling of copyrighted works.

Most of the counterfeiting reports centered on fake clothes and apparels, which was a total of 39 or around 77 percent, followed by gadgets with seven reports, and cosmetics with six reports. For pir…

Keep on reading: Alleged piracy, counterfeiting reports surged in 2020 amid lockdown — IPOPHL