Zarate, Casiño say doors on political settlement with CPP-NPA should remain open



MANILA, Philippines — Bayan Muna Rep. Carlos Zarate and former congressman Teddy Casio, who both denied links with the communist movement, said denouncing revolutionary groups as enemies of the state would “only shut the doors” on a political settlement.

During the resumption of the Senate investigation into alleged red-tagging by military officials, Casio was asked if he would condemn recruited members of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) and consider them as enemies.

In response, Casio said doing so would block opportunities for a “healthier engagement.”

“They (CPP-NPA) are revolutionary groups. We may not agree with their program, …

Keep on reading: Zarate, Casiño say doors on political settlement with CPP-NPA should remain open