‘When in doubt, hire a pro trainer’


It was boredom that began Mel P. Tiglao’s fitness journey.

“I had classes that started at 4 p.m. and there wasn’t much to do before that,” she said. “We had a gym at the university, so my friend and I joined. We really had no idea what to do back then.”

That started what the 43-year-old store manager calls her on-and-off relationship with the gym.

In 2011, she joined Fitness First and focused on learning proper swimming form. “My assigned trainer, Coach Ace, was a swimmer, and the branch in RCBC had an indoor pool. I wanted to keep up with my growing boys who I also enrolled in swimming classes in their school. I also didn’t want to be mistaken as a pregnant woman because of…

Keep on reading: ‘When in doubt, hire a pro trainer’