Whale of a tale: US fisherman says he was swallowed by Humpback



NEW YORK – It sounds like a real-life take on “Pinocchio” — a US lobster fisherman says he was scooped into the mouth of a humpback whale Friday and yet lived to tell the story.

“I was in his closed mouth for about 30 to 40 seconds before he rose to the surface and spit me out,” Michael Packard wrote on Facebook hours after his brush with the depths.

“A humpback whale tried to eat me,” he added. “I am very bruised up but have no broken bones.”

Packard’s beyond-belief big fish yarn began, he told local paper Cape Cod Times, when he was diving for lobster off the coast of the northeastern state of Massachusetts.

“All of a sudden, I felt this huge shove and the ne…

Keep on reading: Whale of a tale: US fisherman says he was swallowed by Humpback