Wes Anderson: The man who made his own film industry


Self-obsessed guys with daddy issues, maps, models and handwritten letters, probably some 1960s rock and definitely Bill Murray deadpanning — you know immediately whose universe you’re in.

“Wes Anderson is here tonight… He arrived on a bicycle made of antique tuba parts,” joked Amy Poehler, hosting the Golden Globes a few years back.

And everyone knew what she meant, because no one in film history has been so unblinkingly wedded to a specific off-beat vibe — from early successes like “The Royal Tenenbaums” through hits like “Fantastic Mr Fox” and “The Grand Budapest Hotel” — as the Texas-born director.

Anderson returns Monday with his 10th feature, “The French Dispat…

Keep on reading: Wes Anderson: The man who made his own film industry