WATCH: Woman with world’s longest fingernails has them cut after nearly 3 decades


Ayanna Williams, the woman who holds the Guinness World Record for having the longest fingernails, has had them cut finally after almost 30 years.

Williams, of Texas, USA, started holding the record for the “longest fingernails on a pair of hands (female)” in 2017, according to Guinness.

Her nails had the final length of 733.55 centimeters (24 feet and 0.7 inches), breaking her own record four years ago, when her nails measured 576.4 cm (18 feet 10.9 inches) long.

To put things into perspective, at her nails’ latest length Williams needed around three to four bottles of nail polish and a few days to do her manicure.

Williams had her nails cut just this past weekend under …

Keep on reading: WATCH: Woman with world’s longest fingernails has them cut after nearly 3 decades