TransCo proposes FiT-All rate of P0.3320/kWh


THE NATIONAL Transmission Corp. (TransCo) has asked the energy regulatory to approve its proposed feed-in tariff allowance (FiT-All) rate of P0.3320 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for 2022 billing periods.

According to a posting on the Energy Regulatory Commission’s (ERC) website, TransCo submitted supporting documents for its proposed rate, including its computations.

The FiT-All is a uniform charge billed to on-grid customers, which is calculated and set annually. It is collected from consumers and remitted to TransCo, which controls the FiT-All fund. TransCo then distributes FiT-All payments to renewable energy developers.

TransCo also proposed an alternative FiT-All rate of P0.3165/kWh which takes into consideration the projected increase in power sales this year as the economy picked up.

TransCo said that it is also open to revising the FiT-All rate based on evidence presented during further deliberations with the ERC.

“TransCo (also asks to) be exempt from payment of permit/supervision fees if any,” it added.

The ERC said it will hold separate hearings on the suggested FiT-All rate on Oct. 12, Oct. 19, Oct. 26 and Nov. 3 via video conferencing.

Last year, the ERC approved a FiT-All rate of P0.0983/kWh, which TransCo began collecting in January. — Angelica Y. Yang