Tiples de Santo Domingo docu wins in Manhattan film fest



The documentary “Papuri: The Tiples de Santo Domingo” won the award for best documentary short at the International Film Festival Manhattan New York, Spring Festival on May 28 to May 30.

The 20-minute docu revolves around the more than 400-year-old boys choir of Santo Domingo Church in Quezon City. Known as Tiples de Santo Domingo, the group is composed mainly of male sopranos (“tiple’ means boy soprano) age 7-16 years old.
Oldest choral group in PH
Founded in 1587 by the Dominicans to provide liturgical music in the original Santo Domingo Church in Intramuros, Manila, the Tiples is the oldest choral group in the country.

According to Fr. Roland Mactal, OP, the Tipl…

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