TESDA to offer training in operating farm drones


THE Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) said it will offer a training program in drone operation for agricultural workers.

TESDA said in a statement Wednesday that the program was finalized after the development of competency standards for agricultural drone operators for use by training institutions. The standards were arrived at in partnership with stakeholders and experts from AgriDom Solutions Corp., an agricultural technology-based solutions provider.

TESDA Director General Isidro S. Lapeña said: “Drones have become an essential part of smart farming, helping farmers to deal with a wide range of challenges and gaining numerous benefits. Specifically, drones can be used for estimating soil condition, planting future crops, fighting infections and pests, agriculture spraying, crop surveillance, livestock monitoring, among others.”

“Graduates of the training program could be employed as ground support, junior drone pilots, and senior drone pilots,” he added.

Mr. Lapeña encouraged all technical and vocational education and training institutions to register their own agricultural drone operation courses.

According to TESDA’s Qualification and Standards Office, the DJI Academy of Davao Region began working on program offerings this month. — Revin Mikhael D. Ochave