SSS extends pensioners’ shift to PESONet-participating banks until Sept. 30


MANILA, Philippines — The deadline for Social Security System (SSS) pensioners’ to shift to banks under the Philippine Electronic Fund Transfer System and Operations Network (PESONet) has been extended until September 30, 2021, the state-run insurer said.

According to a statement from SSS, the decision to extend the deadline — from its previous date of March 31 — was because 104,955 of their pensioners are still using banks that are not includedin the list of PESONet participating banks.

“SSS President and CEO Aurora C. Ignacio said that as of April 2021, about 104,955 pensioners are not yet compliant with this requirement. Of this number, 91,476 are receiving their pensi…

Keep on reading: SSS extends pensioners’ shift to PESONet-participating banks until Sept. 30