Sheryn Regis appeals to gov’t for fair treatment for musicians


Don’t neglect us.”

This was the plea of singer Sheryn Regis to the government on behalf of other Filipino musicians who have lost their jobs as a result of the country’s ongoing battle with the pandemic.

“I feel bad about what’s happening. The music industry isn’t just made up of crowd-drawers like us. The ones who are really affected are those who perform in gigs in clubs and bars, or those who get hired for events. They are those who will tell you, ‘I love music. It’s the only thing I know I’m good at,'” explained Sheryn, who recently spoke with the media to promote her single, “Tulad ng Dati.”

Sheryn said that while she understood that event venues needed to close down in…

Keep on reading: Sheryn Regis appeals to gov’t for fair treatment for musicians