Pia Wurtzbach writes ‘Life, Career, & Money: Musings of an empowered woman’


By: INQUIRER.net BrandRoom/Pia Wurtzbach

We are a day away from crowning a new Miss Universe and as a woman, it gives me so much pride and joy to see more and more confident and empowered women who are ready to take on the world—the universe rather.

I am excited for these women, knowing how this can be a life-changing event for them and the others that they will also inspire. I can’t help but reminisce of my time as Miss Universe, the road leading to that, and the opportunities that came after.

Don’t get me wrong though. My life’s journey did not begin when I won Miss Universe. It began long before that and continues to this day. And because many of you are already aware of my…

Keep on reading: Pia Wurtzbach writes ‘Life, Career, & Money: Musings of an empowered woman’