Philippine envoy confident Duterte will back revamped US defense pact


MANILA, Philippines — A two-decades-old defense pactbetween thePhilippines and the United States has beenrevampedand its new terms submitted to President RodrigoDutertefor his consideration, Manila’s ambassador to Washington told Reuters.
The Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), which provides rules for the rotation of thousands ofU.S. troops in and out of thePhilippines for war games and exercises, will end in August ifDutertedecides to terminate the deal.

Duterteunilaterally canceled the VFA last year in an angry rebuke after an ally was denied aU.S. visa, but twice suspended its termination to create whatPhilippineofficials say is a window for better terms to be agreed upon.


Keep on reading: Philippine envoy confident Duterte will back revamped US defense pact