PH family planning avoided 2.8-M unintended pregnancies, 669,000 abortions in 2019


MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines’ strengthened family planning program was able to prevent around 2.8 million unintended pregnancies in 2019, which also resulted in avoiding 669,000 unsafe abortions due to early pregnancy and 1,470 possible maternal deaths.

This was brought about by 7.8 million Filipino women using modern family planning methods, according to the annual report on the implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RPRH Law), which was shared by the Commission on Population and Development (PopCom).

This means that the country’s modern contraceptive prevalence rate is already at 27.7 percent, the report, which was done by Pop…

Keep on reading: PH family planning avoided 2.8-M unintended pregnancies, 669,000 abortions in 2019