PAF Huey chopper on medevac crashes in Lanao del Sur


MANILA, Philippines—A Huey helicopter of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) crash-landed in Lanao del Sur on Thursday (Nov. 26) while conducting a medical evacuation, the military said.

After picking up four soldiers wounded from an IED explosion in Madalum town, the helicopter made an emergency landing shortly after takeoff due to bad weather, said Cpt. Clint Antipala, public affairs officer of the Army’s 1st Infantry Division.

One of the Air Force crew was injured, he said. One of the four soldiers critically injured from the explosion that they were supposed to evacuate also died.

The wounded troops are now getting medical treatment.

“We have done everything just to save our…

Keep on reading: PAF Huey chopper on medevac crashes in Lanao del Sur