One foot in Canada, one in the US: border parcel business thrives during pandemic


DUNDEE, Canada — The Canada-US border has been closed since the start of the pandemic more than a year ago, but not for Paul-Maurice Patenaude who operates a parcel handoff service from his house, which straddles the international boundary.

“I am both in Quebec and in the State of New York, look how beautiful it is!” laughs the 82-year-old pensioner, one foot on either side of a black line marking the border through the ground floor of his 200-year-old stone and wood building.

Dozens of packages of all sizes left in his “drop-off” box have been sorted and stored on shelves to await pickup.

The imposing three-storey former bar and grocery store has two addresses, and two en…

Keep on reading: One foot in Canada, one in the US: border parcel business thrives during pandemic