No such thing as ‘no jab, no work’ policy amid A4 vaccination — DOLE


MANILA, Philippines — The government still does not “recognize” the no vaccine, no work policy even as the country kicked off the vaccination of economic frontliners, an official of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) clarified on Monday.

Labor Undersecretary Benjo Santos Benavidez made the clarification after the national government began rolling out the program to eventually immunize 35.5 million people who belong to the A4 category.

To recall, the Interagency Taskforce on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) simplified the criteria of A4 category to include private-sector workers who need to be physically present in their workplace; employees in government age…

Keep on reading: No such thing as ‘no jab, no work’ policy amid A4 vaccination — DOLE