MTRCB chief wants to produce a movie to help PH filmmakers affected by pandemic


It should be a film that’s very inspiring at this time; something that would bring hope to the Filipino people not just here, but also abroad.”

This is the kind of project that Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) chair Rachel Arenas said she would be interested in producing as a way to help Filipino filmmakers affected by the pandemic to get back on their feet.

“It’s not the mandate of our office to do that, but then, since we have friends in Congress, I said if there’s a project that is worth putting all our resources into, maybe we can help produce it,” said Arenas, who served as representative of Pangasinan’s 3rd District from 2007 to 2013.

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Keep on reading: MTRCB chief wants to produce a movie to help PH filmmakers affected by pandemic