Mount Etna spews smoke and ashes in spectacular new eruption


Rome,Italy — MountEtna, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, belched smoke and ashes in a new eruption on Tuesday, but Italian authorities said it posed no danger to the surrounding villages.
“We’ve seen worse,” the head of the INGV National Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology in the nearby city of Catania, Stefano Branco, told Italian news agency AGI.

Estimating that the eruption fromEtna’s southeastern crater began late Tuesday afternoon, Branco insisted that the latest burst of activity was “not at all worrying”.

Nevertheless, with small stones and ashes raining down, authorities decided to close Catania’s international airport.

The emergency authorities said o…

Keep on reading: Mount Etna spews smoke and ashes in spectacular new eruption