Mother arrested after 4-year-old daughter nearly dies from head lice


A woman from Indiana, United Stated was arrested and charged for neglect after her four-year-old child nearly died from a severe head lice infestation, and her six-year-old daughter with the same condition missed classes for a month.

Shyanne Singh, 26, was arrested by police after they received a call about the four-year-old’s condition on April 20, as per court documents obtained by Fox News affiliate WDRB on May 5. The names of the children were withheld.

The younger daughter was reportedly unable to walk, needed four blood transfusions and was declared “near fatality” by the hospital. Police added that the child’s blood had very low hemoglobin levels, with only 1.7 hemoglobi…

Keep on reading: Mother arrested after 4-year-old daughter nearly dies from head lice