More than 100 diners at clandestine Paris soiree fined for lockdown breaches


PARIS — More than 110 people dining at a clandestine restaurant were fined late on Friday for violating a COVID-19 lockdown, Paris police said, days after the government denied allegations that ministers had attended similar underground soirees.

The swoop in the French capital’s 19th arrondissement was the latest police action against restaurants breaking the rules to offer patrons a slice of pre-pandemic life.

Restaurants, bars and cafes have been closed for sit-down dining for months, and public frustration is growing amid a third national lockdown and another wave of coronavirus infections.

“Guests fined for failing to respect sanitary measures. Organizer and manager ar…

Keep on reading: More than 100 diners at clandestine Paris soiree fined for lockdown breaches