Lacson says NTF-Elcac’s choice to keep Parlade as spokesman ‘will cost them’


MANILA, Philippines — “They made their choice, and it will cost them.”

Senator Panfilo Lacson, who chairs the Senate committee on national defense, had this to say on Monday as the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-Elcac) retained Army Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade its spokesperson.

Lacson, who calls himself as the NTF-Elcac’s “most reliable ally in the Senate,” has earlier questioned Parlade’s appointment as the agency’s spokesperson, noting that the law is clear in saying that “[n]o member of the armed forces in the active service shall, at any time, be appointed or designated in any capacity to a civilian position in the Government.”


Keep on reading: Lacson says NTF-Elcac’s choice to keep Parlade as spokesman ‘will cost them’