How variety shows contribute to growth of artists like Ruru and Barbie


For actors like Barbie Forteza and Ruru Madrid, being part of variety shows has been instrumental in their growth as artists. By being compelled to go out of their comfort zones, they end up developing new talents and tools to entertain their fans.

“My mother has always wanted me to dance. When I was a kid, she had my sister’s classmate teach me. But I was shy back then. But when I started doing variety shows, I eventually got the hang of it. My mother was very happy!” Barbie told the Inquirer in a recent virtual conference for the upcoming special episode of “All-Out Sundays (AOS)” on June 13 and 20.

“It was a big achievement for me in a way,” added the 23-year-old star, who a…

Keep on reading: How variety shows contribute to growth of artists like Ruru and Barbie