How Drew Arellano juggles time for his three kids


TV host Drew Arellano seems to be one very busy guy, which make his fans wonder how he manages to find time to attend to all of his three kids with fellow host Iya Villania, namely Primo, Leon and baby Alana.

In a pre-Father’s Day interview with TV host Bianca Gonzalez-Intal on her YouTube channel last Monday, June 7, one Bam Concepcion asked how Arellano actually manages his time.

“People think I’m busy but I’m actually not busy. People don’t know this about me. Even before the pandemic, I was already a home buddy,” Arellano said.

He corrected the misconception that he’s working almost 24/7. Arellano said that in terms of his TV work, it just takes three days in a week, and two…

Keep on reading: How Drew Arellano juggles time for his three kids