House ratifies bicam report on bill extending lifeline rates by 30 years


electric meter

THE HOUSE of Representatives ratified on Monday the bicameral conference committee report on a proposed law that will extend the lifeline rates for marginalized households until 2051.

In plenary session, legislators ratified the report harmonizing House Bill 8145 and Senate Bill 1877, which propose to extend and enhance the implementation of the lifeline rate, amending Section 73 of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA) Law.

“The bicam report is hereby ratified,” according to Representative Bernadette Herrera-Dy, who was sitting as deputy speaker.

Lifeline rates are the subsidies given to marginalized electricity end-users who cannot afford to pay full cost. The subsidy will be funded by non-lifeline consumers.

The EPIRA Law provides that subsidized rates for low-income energy consumers be determined by the Energy Regulatory Commission. They were to run originally for 10 years, which was then extended in 2011 by another 10 years.

The proposed measure will extend the lifeline rates by a further 30 years. — Gillian M. Cortez