Herbalife Nutrition finding ways to bring fitness message across


WHILE the coronavirus pandemic and the corresponding protocols put up to guard against it have rendered people’s fitness regimen limited, they have not stopped Herbalife Nutrition from finding ways to bring the message of active and healthy lifestyle across.

One of the ways the global nutrition company is going about its push is tapping digital technology, where it brings fitness to people through videos, virtual events, and other interactive platforms.

Herbalife has started such thrust even before the pandemic hit, but it has become more significant in light of the prevailing conditions.

“Three years ago, we started to work on our digital platform for fitness. It’s a free resource that’s for everybody,” shared Samantha Clayton, vice-president of Worldwide Sports Performance and Fitness and chairwoman of the Fitness Advisory Board of Herbalife Nutrition, in an online session with local media and the blogging community last week.

“Digital has been driving fitness for a long time. It really amplified the average everyday fitness professional’s voice. If you see a lot of the content that’s on YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram, the content that gets the most amounts of likes tend to be fitness-based content, so the digital transformation of the fitness world has been happening for a long time,” she added.

Herbalife’s Fitness Portal, which features workout videos that range from beginner routines to advanced workouts, making fitness an achievable goal for everyone, has gotten much interest, something the company welcomes more so that it is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

Ms. Clayton, an Olympian who competed in the 2000 Summer Games, however, said digital fitness content must be well-thought out so as to bring out the desired effect.

“When the sports world kind of stopped this year, we really had a challenge to put out a really interesting and engaging content with our athletes to meet our consumers in their homes, meet our distributors, and people in the community in a space that we know,” Ms. Clayton said.

This led them to coming up with a 2020 Quarantine Sports and Fitness Content that consisted of athlete cook-off contests, social media workout videos, sports nutrition blog series, Facebook live workout series, and social media workout graphics.

The mother of four, including a set of triplets, went on to highlight that the audience for fitness and sports nutrition has never been wider until today.

“For many years, the fitness industry and the sports nutrition industry, in particular, was all about the athlete… What’s exciting for me today is to share with you that the audience now for fitness and sports nutrition has really expanded. People are truly inspired and interested in what good nutrition has to offer,” she said.

Adding, “It’s about having simple daily habits each and every day so that you could be at your best. So whether that’s having a healthy breakfast or getting your minimum amount of exercise, a healthy active lifestyle is about sustainable healthy habits that last a lifetime.” — Michael Angelo S. Murillo