Globe values diversity in the workplace; celebrates women leaders who are also mothers


The role of a mother may be one of the toughest jobs any woman may take in their lifetime. As a strong advocate of gender equality and empowerment of all women towards a more advanced and inclusive world, Globe underscores the importance of welcoming strong women leaders and celebrating their trailblazing contributions to the company.

Out of Globe’s 8,300-strong workforce, 45% are women wherein 3,272 are mothers. Included in this number are half of Globe’s key executives, proving that women-mothers are capable leaders and influencers whether at home or the workplace.

With the most recent appointment of Issa Guevarra-Cabreira as Globe’s first woman Chief Commercial Officer, she joins the ranks of Globe’s women leaders who are also mothers: Rosemarie Maniego-Eala, Chief Finance Officer, Treasurer, and Chief Risk Officer; Rebecca Eclipse, Chief Customer Experience Officer; Marisalve Ciocson-Co, Chief Compliance Officer, Senior Vice President – Law and Compliance, and Assistant Corporate Secretary; Rosalin E. Palacol, Chief Audit Executive; and Yoly Crisanto, Chief Sustainability Officer and Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications.

Globe has taken measures to make sure that the mental health of its employees are well-taken care of, especially for moms who cope with keeping their families safe and provided for 24/7 while balancing their obligations as they continue to work from home with the ongoing health crisis.

Globe encourages their employees to access HopeChat for confidential, free, and 24/7 mental health support as well as engage and respond to DUDE — or Digital Usher for Disasters and Emergencies — Globe Telecom’s chatbot that automatically checks on the health status of its employees every morning.

Globe will continue to advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace in line with its support for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly UN SDG No. 5 in which equal opportunities are given to women for leadership. Globe is committed to uphold the 10 United Nations Global Compact principles and 10 UN SDGs.