Duterte: ‘No peace talks can ever succeed’ if NPA attack vs gov’t forces, civilians persist


MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday said that no peace talks will ever succeed — under any leadership — if rebel attacks against government forces and civilians continue.

In his pre-recorded address to the public, Duterte condemned the reported attack by New People’s Army (NPA) rebels on police officers in a food aid mission in Buenavista, Quezon province over the weekend.

“Hindi ko maintindihan itong — in a pandemic where everybody is in need of food and everything… Pati mga ganun na maliliit na bagay na hindi dapat gawin, kinakalkal pa rin nila ng away,” Duterte said.

“Hindi talaga tayo magkakaintindihan kailanman. No peace talks can ever succe…

Keep on reading: Duterte: ‘No peace talks can ever succeed’ if NPA attack vs gov’t forces, civilians persist