DepEd data: Damage to learning materials from typhoons hit P567M


MANILA, Philippines — Damage wrought by recent typhoons to learning materials amounted to over P560 million, according to data from the Department of Education (DepEd).

During a Senate hearing on Friday, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian showed figures DepEd had sent to his office on the cost of damage caused by typhoons that hit the country from late October up to this month.

“I just want to implore the department to prioritize the self-learning modules (SLMs),” said Gatchalian, chair of the Senate basic education committee.

He then presented a table showing that recent typhoons left damage to learning materials amounting to a total of P567.89 million.

These damaged learning mate…

Keep on reading: DepEd data: Damage to learning materials from typhoons hit P567M