DA-BFAR to streamline issuance of food passes to fish suppliers, producers


THE DEPARTMENT of Agriculture’s Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) said on Friday that it will expedite the issuance of food passes to fish suppliers and producers as it assured the public of “unhampered” delivery of food products amid the lockdown. 

“The DA-BFAR has directed its workforce to streamline the issuance of food pass(es) and make the process more efficient and accessible to fish producers and suppliers,” it said in a statement. 

“(We are) mobilizing its fishery law enforcers on the ground with a directive to coordinate with other concerned government agencies in ensuring the smooth implementation of food pass,” the bureau added. 

Food passes are vehicular passes issued by the Agriculture department for the entry and exit of food and agri-fishery products within quarantine areas in Luzon. These are granted to qualified food suppliers, delivery truckers and logistics providers with valid business permits, and are passing through Metro Manila and other areas under lockdown. 

DA-BFAR said its technical unit Fisheries Inspection and Quarantine Division is in charge of issuing new food passes. Suppliers interested in securing a pass can contact the mobile no. 09363213401 or send an email to [email protected]. 

Meanwhile, holders of valid food passes can use them to transport products to markets in the capital and other areas. 

On Friday, the agency also assured the public of “unhampered and sufficient supply of fishery products” after the government placed the National Capital Region and other areas under varying levels of lockdown to prevent the spread of the more transmissible Delta variant of the coronavirus. — A.Y. Yang