Cubans to cheer their boxers and wrestlers, but not ball players, in Tokyo


HAVANA—Cuban athletes are preparing to leave for Tokyo and the Olympic Games, with fans ready to cheer them on, disappointed that the national sport of baseball did not make the cut but eager to watch their boxers, wrestlers and others compete.

The Summer Games, scheduled for July 23 to Aug. 8, are frequently a source of local pride as the Communist-run Caribbean island of 11.2 million people tends to do well. Local authorities say they hope to place within the top 20 medal winners.

Five years ago, in the 2016 edition in Rio de Janeiro, Cuba won five gold medals, two silver and four bronze, ranking 18th among more than 200 nations.

Cubans are bitter that their baseball tea…

Keep on reading: Cubans to cheer their boxers and wrestlers, but not ball players, in Tokyo