Co-op registration process due for streamlining


THE COOPERATIVE Development Authority’s (CDA) systems will be integrated into the Philippines’ central business portal by the fourth quarter, potentially reducing requirements for cooperative registration.

The portal is a unified digital platform for registering businesses, the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) said in a statement Monday.

The agencies agreed to hold meetings on streamlining CDA’s registration processes, potentially removing the notarization requirement and making use of digital signatures.

The Certificate of Tax Exemption could also be integrated into the portal.

“In this way, the Cooperatives that are registering through the CBP may also be automatically considered to have applied for the Certificate of Tax Exemption with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR),” ARTA said.

ARTA Director General Jeremiah B. Belgica said the separate BIR registration process has been an ongoing problem encountered by cooperatives.

He said that a task group must develop a roadmap for the implementation of the central business portal for the next three to five years.

An Ease of Doing Business and Anti-Red Tape Advisory Council task group plans to conduct a business process mapping of all permits and licenses in the business cycle for integration into the portal.

The platform allows organizations to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the BIR online, cutting registration time to three days from 33. The agency plans to cut the registration period to one day by June next year. — Jenina P. Ibañez