CHR to Duterte: Instead of sexist jokes, respond to women’s needs amid calamities


MANILA, Philippines — The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has urged President Rodrigo Duterte to respond to the needs of women and children amid the recent typhoons and the COVID-19 pandemic, instead of entertaining sexist jokes during a briefing.

According to CHR Commissioner Karen Gomez-Dumpit on Tuesday, sex jokes and the objectification of women should not be tolerated nor excused, as it undermines the push for gender equality especially if it comes from the country’s high ranking government officials.

“As Gender Ombud, we cannot let pass these sex jokes and sexist remarks without exercising our constitutional mandate to advise government in the fulfillment of its obligation…

Keep on reading: CHR to Duterte: Instead of sexist jokes, respond to women’s needs amid calamities