Chemical cargo ship sinks off Sri Lanka, fouling rich fishing waters



COLOMBO — Acargoshipcarrying tons ofchemicals sankoffSriLanka’s west coast, its navy said Wednesday, and tons of plastic pellets have fouled the country’srichfishingwatersin one of its worst-ever marine disasters.

The government on Wednesday suspendedfishingalong an 80-km (50-mile) stretch of the island’s coastline, affecting 5,600fishingboats, and hundreds of soldiers have been deployed to clean affected beaches.

The Singapore-registered MV X-Press Pearl, carrying 1,486 containers, including 25 tons of nitric acid along with otherchemicals and cosmetics, was anchoredoffSriLanka’s west coast when a fire erupted on board…

Keep on reading: Chemical cargo ship sinks off Sri Lanka, fouling rich fishing waters