Australia’s Victoria state reports 5 COVID-19 cases on day 3 of lockdown


MELBOURNE — Australia’s Victoria state reported five new local COVID-19 cases on Sunday, including in a worker at a Melbourne aged care facility where not all of the residents have been vaccinated.

The infections on the third day of a week-long lockdown raise the total to 40 in the latest cluster, which started with a returning overseas traveller who tested positive after leaving a quarantine hotel.

Victoria’s acting premier, James Merlino, said at a briefing that 70% of the traveller’s close contacts have so far tested negative for the coronavirus.

“But it is true to say that this remains a day-by-day proposition,” Merlino said.

The case at the aged care facility was o…

Keep on reading: Australia’s Victoria state reports 5 COVID-19 cases on day 3 of lockdown