Antibody test may not be ‘best’ gauge of protection vs COVID-19 — experts


MANILA, Philippines– Antibody tests may not be the “best” way to measure a person’s level ofprotection against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), experts said Wednesday.

During the briefingof the House committee on health, Quezon Rep. Angelina Tan asked if neutralizing
antibody tests can serve as the basis of status of a person’s immunity againstCOVID-19.

Tan shared thatshe and her husband — both of whom have already been vaccinated against COVID-19—underwentantibody tests. However, their results varied, with her husband having “favorable”results for the antibodies, while she had a “negative” result.

However, Dr.Michelle De Vera of the Philippine Society for Allergy, …

Keep on reading: Antibody test may not be ‘best’ gauge of protection vs COVID-19 — experts