Albay solon urges DOF to create task force vs fuel smuggling


MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Finance (DOF) should create a task force to combat fuel smuggling in the country, Albay Rep. Joey Salceda said Monday.

Salceda, who chairs the House committee on ways and means, said the country has lost P357 billion in taxes from fuel smuggling, more commonly known as “paihi,” from 2010 to 2019. He said the billions of money lost from oil smuggling were “unconscionable.”

“If you want to know why some gasoline stations can offer prices 10 pesos lower than the competition, look no further than fuel smuggling. It’s real and it happens just under our noses,” Salceda said during the House ways and means committee meeting.

“I am urging th…

Keep on reading: Albay solon urges DOF to create task force vs fuel smuggling