Before buying, Filipino online shoppers visit around 8 websites — Facebook


Filipino consumers are embracing digital shopping, as the pandemic pushes them to be more tech-savvy and deliberate with their purchasing decisions. They are also more willing to buy products from a wider range of online stores, according to a report by Facebook Inc. and Bain & Co.  

More than 16,000 people in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam took part in the survey conducted in June, with all respondents above 15 years of age.  

Filipinos were found to hop across an average of 7.8 websites before making a purchase decision in 2021, compared to just 4.3 websites in 2020.   

“These findings point to the fact that people increasingly want to feel that they’re making the right purchase decisions. Now is the time for brands to be brave and reimagine the channels and platforms on which they can stand out and be discovered,” said John Rubio, country director of Facebook in the Philippines, in a statement.  

Additionally, 45% of Filipino respondents said they’re willing to try stores they’ve never heard of before, up from 36% the year prior, tied to findings that they purchase from an average of 8.2 product categories in 2021, compared to just 4.7 in 2020.  

With this increase in exploration, 51% of consumers in the Philippines also said they switched their most purchased brand in the last three months — on par with Southeast Asia, based on the report.  

Purchasing decisions are influenced by Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, with more than 80% of Filipino respondents saying that they would pay up to 10% more for sustainable and socially conscious products. ESG was also found to be in the top three reasons in Southeast Asia for switching brands, the study showed.  

Findings revealed significant improvement in e-commerce marketplace satisfaction, with the Net Promoter Score in the Philippines jumping to 64% in 2021 from 26% in 2020 — meaning better customer satisfaction.  

“People in Southeast Asia are forming new habits related to online discovery, consideration and purchase,” said Benjamin Joe, vice-president of Facebook in Southeast Asia. “For both new and established brands, these shifts signal the need to rethink traditional e-commerce experiences and find creative ways to inspire and connect with customers online.” — Brontë H. Lacsamana