Australians damage rooms, mascots go missing


TOKYO — Some Australian athletes caused damage to their Tokyo Olympics athletes’ village rooms before departing while the team’s mascots — an emu and a kangaroo — went missing but have since returned, team chief Ian Chesterman said on Tuesday.

The athletes had damaged beds and put a hole in a wall, but no disciplinary action will be taken after they apologized, he said.

“Some young people made a mistake, they had left the rooms in a condition that was unacceptable,” said Chesterman. But he added the damage was “minor” and that it was “not the hardest thing to break the cardboard bed.”

“The rooms were not completely trashed in any way.”

“It is a book as old as time: a good young person makes a mistake, chapter two is a good, young person is full of remorse. Chapter three is a good young person learns from the mistake and becomes a better person.”

Chesterman also said the life-size team mascots were removed from Team Australia’s accommodation, but found their way back after a few days.

“The kangaroo and emu mascots were missing and we were very pleased to say they have returned. It was a bit of a mystery. There was a bit of a search and (we) were about to post wanted signs,” Chesterman said.

“It seems they enjoyed a pleasant holiday in Deutschland,” he said referring to Team Germany’s accommodation nearby. “The mascots enjoy holidays in the village from time to time. But we are very pleased they are back.” — Reuters