DBM chief denies P160 billion marked ‘For Later Release’ will be used in 2022 polls


MANILA, Philippines — Funds marked “For Later Release” or “FLR” — a total of P160 billion, which are intended for cash aid and economic stimulus projects during the COVID-19 pandemic — will not be used for the 2022 national elections, Budget Secretary Wendel Avisado said in an interview over DZRH News on Wednesday.

“This is not connected with the elections because the elections are next year. These funds are for this year, 2021, and not for 2022,” he said in Filipino.

Lawmakers had earlier suspected something unusual about the unused budgets. Sen. Franklin Drilon, for one, said that, as the 2022 elections nears,”politics is a consideration in the non-release of the P160 b…

Keep on reading: DBM chief denies P160 billion marked ‘For Later Release’ will be used in 2022 polls