Protecting the ‘good guys’: What to eat to avoid COVID-19


We thought COVID-19 was only a respiratory virus, but with patients’ brains, hearts, kidneys, even toes being affected, we learned it was a vascular disease as well, damaging blood vessels and the circulatory system.

Wreaking havoc on endothelial cells, the vascular damage was seen not only in the lungs; the same damage was seen organ to organ, even after recovery, and not just from acute COVID-19.
Long-term effect
Apparently, those who recover end up with a significant long-term effect: persistent damage at the circulatory level, during and after the long tail of COVID-19.

Dr. William W. Li was one of the few scientists who asked early into the pandemic what happens to peopl…

Keep on reading: Protecting the ‘good guys’: What to eat to avoid COVID-19