Shakey’s to hold annual stockholders’ meeting on July 15


Notice of Annual Stockholders’ Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Stockholders Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 8:30 in the morning.

The agenda for the said meeting shall be as follows:

Call to Order
Secretary’s Proof of Due Notice of the Meeting and Determination of Quorum
Approval of the Minutes of the Stockholders’ Meeting held on July 15, 2020
Management’s Report
Ratification of Acts of the Board of Directors and Management During the Previous Year
Election of Directors (including Independent Directors)
Appointment of External Auditor
Other Matters

A brief explanation of the agenda items which require stockholders’ approval are provided on the Information Statement. The Information Statement and Annual Report will be uploaded to the Corporation’s website PSE EDGE.

In light of current conditions and in support of the efforts to contain the outbreak of COVID-19, stockholders may attend the meeting and vote via remote communication only.

Stockholders should pre-register at this link: fromJune 22, 2021 to June 30, 2021.

Upon registration, Stockholders shall be asked to provide the information and upload the documents listed below (the file size should be no larger than5MB):

A. For individualStockholders:

First and LastName
Phone Number
Current photograph of the Stockholder, with the face fullyvisible
Stock Certificate Number and number of shares held by the stockholder
Valid government-issuedID
For Stockholders with joint accounts: A scanned copy of an authorization letter signedbyallStockholders,identifyingwhoamongthemisauthorizedtocastthe vote for the account

B. For corporate/organizationalStockholders:

First and LastName of stockholder
Phone Number
Stock certificate number and number of shares held by the stockholder
Current photograph of the individual authorized to cast the vote for the account (the “AuthorizedVoter”)
Valid government-issued ID of the AuthorizedVoter
A scanned copy of the Secretary’s Certificate or other valid authorization in favor of the Authorized Voter

Stockholders who will join by proxy shall download, fill out and sign the proxy found in to submit proxy forms is on June 30, 2021.

All registrations shall be validated by the Corporate Secretary in coordination with the Stock Agent. Successful registrants will receive an electronic invitation via email with a complete guide on how to join the meeting and how to cast votes.

Only stockholders of record as of the close of business on June 10, 2021are entitled to notice and to vote at the meeting.





Corporate Secretary