LOOK: Iya Villania gets COVID-19 vaccine, urges public to ‘not be choosy’ on brand


TV host Iya Villania was excited to get herself vaccinated against COVID-19, and knowing its importance, she encourages the public to be vaccinated as well.

Villania scored on the importance of vaccines as per her Instagram post yesterday, June 7, where she shared some photos of herself while being given a shot of the vaccine.

“Never been so excited about getting vaccinated before. Drew and I were ecstatic to be part of the opening of the A4 category vaccination program! Very timely for me now that work is starting to take me outside of my home,” she said.

“This is it guys! If you are that essential worker in your home that needs to leave the house to provide, now is your chance…

Keep on reading: LOOK: Iya Villania gets COVID-19 vaccine, urges public to ‘not be choosy’ on brand