Going against the flow, ‘Bet ng Bayan’ alum Hannah Precillas records 1st album


With record labels focusing more and more on single releases and foregoing the album format, it was a pleasant surprise, singer Hannah Precillas said, when she found out that she was to record a live EP. “This is my first time [to have an EP]. And though it’s no longer as common these days, it’s a big deal for me. People always ask me when I’m putting out an album and I always tell them that it’s more about singles now. But now that I have one, I couldn’t be more happy that I got to experience it,” she told the Inquirer in a virtual conference for “Hannah Precillas: Sessions.” “This is another achievement in my career,” added the “Bet ng Bayan” alum, who also placed third in an Indon…

Keep on reading: Going against the flow, ‘Bet ng Bayan’ alum Hannah Precillas records 1st album