Tripartite group sets parameters for training bubble of SEAG-bound teams


TRAINING of national teams bound for the 2021 Southeast Asian Games (SEA) in Vietnam are now allowed to train in a “bubble” setting but must adhere to a set of guidelines issued by the government.

Under Joint Administrative Order (JAO) No. 2020-0001 on Sports, crafted by the tripartite group of the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC), Games and Amusements Board (GAB), and Department of Health (DoH), the bubble-type training shall be implemented under strict supervision and monitoring.

The order applies to the members of the Philippine Team — both for contact and non-contact sports as determined by their respective National Sports Associations (NSAs) in close coordination and endorsement by the Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) or Philippine Paralympic Committee (PPC) to the PSC.

The PSC Medical Scientific Athletes Services (MSAS) Unit will lead the supervision and monitoring, with JAO-designated Health and Safety Officers tasked to continuously monitor the health status of all individuals involved during and after activities.

Only areas placed under moderate and low-risk community quarantine classifications can host a bubble training with a maximum number of individuals allowed — based on the risk assessment of the PSC, POC, PPC, and respective NSA.

Plans and activities must be coordinated with the host local government unit and regional Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) body.

The order also specifies that national athletes and personnel below 18 years old are required to have written parental consent before being allowed to participate.

“We would like to thank the government through the IATF for approving the JAO guidelines. This will boost the morale of our national team members as they prepare for the 2021 SEA Games.” said PSC Chairman William Ramirez in a statement.

Different national teams have begun identifying the training venues and areas they are looking to use.

The 2021 SEA Games will take place from Nov. 21 to Dec. 2. — Michael Angelo S. Murillo