4-year-old genius scores almost as high as Albert Einstein in IQ test


A four-year-old girl from Birmingham, England has been declared a “genius” by international group Mensa after scoring close to physicist Albert Einstein in an IQ test.

Dayaal Kaur took part in Mensa’s IQ test and had a score of 142. Her score was just 18 points lower than Einstein’s estimated IQ, as reported by Birmingham Mailyesterday, May 23.

The Mensa test revealed that Kaur’s intelligence was at the 99.9th percentile for her age and that she had the word recognition and mathematical abilities of a five-year-old.

“She could recite the alphabet around 14 months and could name all the planets, aged two, and regularly asked us questions we had to Google the answer to!” her f…

Keep on reading: 4-year-old genius scores almost as high as Albert Einstein in IQ test