Good times, good friends and gourmet chicken ‘tinola’



My love affair with cooking did not start at an early age. Honestly, my mom never left me alone in the kitchen, as I would not return it in the same condition. The few times I did try cooking, I was thankful for my dad, who just indulged me and never complained.

After I got married, I was forced to learn how to cook to please a husband who is so finicky about food. Thus, my culinary adventure started with Sylvia Reynoso-Gala and a handful of friends who so unselfishly shared their know-how in cooking and baking, elevating my repertoire to include kalderata, embotido and many others.

But the aha! moment came when I lived abroad in the early ’90s and was introduced to l…

Keep on reading: Good times, good friends and gourmet chicken ‘tinola’